
View the Project on GitHub arioch/puppet-nginx

Puppet nGinX


Tested on...

Example usage

HTTP reverse proxy

node /frontend/ {
  class {

  Nginx::Proxy {
    ensure => present,
    enable => true,

  nginx::proxy {
    'test01.example.com': server_name => 'test01.example.com', proxy_pass => '';
    'test02.example.com': server_name => 'test02.example.com', proxy_pass => '';


HTTP reverse proxy, with load balancing

node /frontend/ {
  class {

  Nginx::Proxy {
    ensure     => present,
    enable     => true,
    proxy_pass => 'http://backend',

  nginx::proxy {
    'test01.example.com': server_name => 'test01.example.com', proxy_pass => 'http://backend';
    'test02.example.com': server_name => 'test02.example.com', proxy_pass => 'http://backend';
    'test03.example.com': server_name => 'test03.example.com', proxy_pass => 'http://backend';
    'test04.example.com': server_name => 'test04.example.com', proxy_pass => 'http://backend';

  nginx::upstream { 'backend':
    ip_hash        => true,
    upstream_nodes => [

Load balancing with ip hashes (sticky connections)

Sticky connections are useful for applications that rely on cookies or being served by the same backend node for different reasons.

This is usually the case for PHP applications so it's enabled by default.

nginx::upstream { 'backend':
  ip_hash        => true,
  upstream_nodes => [

Disable access logs

node /frontend/ {
  class {

  nginx::proxy { 'test01.example.com':
    server_name => 'test01.example.com',
    access_log  => false,

Configure proxy cache

node /frontend/ {
  class { 'nginx':
     proxy_cache           = true,
     proxy_cache_dir       = '/cache',
     proxy_cache_path      = '/cache/static levels=1:2 keys_zone=staticfilecache:60m inactive=90m max_size=500m',
     proxy_connect_timeout = '30',
     proxy_read_timeout    = '120',
     proxy_send_timeout    = '120',
     proxy_temp_path       = '/cache/tmp',

Mail proxy

node /frontend/ {
  class {
    'nginx': mail => true;

  Nginx::Mail {
    ensure         => present,
    server_name    => $::fqdn,
    listen_address => $::ipaddress,
    proxy          => 'on'

  nginx::mail {
    'imap':     listen_port => '143', protocol => 'imap';
    'imaps':    listen_port => '993', protocol => 'imap';
    'pop3':     listen_port => '110', protocol => 'pop3';
    'pop3s':    listen_port => '995', protocol => 'pop3';
    'smtp':     listen_port => '25',  protocol => 'smtp';
    'smtp-465': listen_port => '465', protocol => 'smtp';
    'smtp-587': listen_port => '587', protocol => 'smtp';

Enable status page

node /box/ {
  class { 'nginx':
    status_enable => true,
    status_allow  => '',
    status_deny   => 'all',